Friday, June 24, 2016


  (Images  From Animal Jam Whip & Animal Jammerz Blog)

Every Jammer does at least 1 adventure. You will experience angry phantoms, helping alphas, discovering caves and many more. Adventures were released in June, 2013. 

Some adventures  require some experience or help that's what i'm here for. Here you will have a complete guide on the adventures and more to come! Training starts now.

Training Grounds

Forget about Liza, you have the guide to help you!  Instead of listening to Liza this guide will show you everything you need to know. You need to have at least SOME experience with adventures?

This is the Main screen. Their are many icons across the the tab. The colored arrows are coded
Red: The Red arrow points to your task or "To-Do List". After you have completed the task a new one will appear.
Orange: The orange arrow points to your courage bar. As you go through adventures  & complete tasks, you gain courage. About every 5-10 levels your courage number changes shape. The hearts below your courage bar are your lives, you gain a few once you hit the middle adventure.
Green: The green arrow to the adventure map. As you advance or grow more, your map will expand, it shows the area you covered. This map can be very useful when doing adventures.
Blue:The blue arrow points to the "View Players' gadget.When clicked it shows a list of the people in the adventure with you. The more players the faster the adventure goes.
Purple: The purple arrow points to the "Exit Adventure" gadget. It is their for if you want to leave the adventure. Keep in mind your progress doesn't save if you want to come back.


Do you see the Purple mist around the phantom? That is the area where the phantom can see, if you aren't in that area the phantom wont chase you.


These plants are called "Chomper plants".They Trap/Chomp the phantoms. Get in the phantoms sight and bring it to one of these plants. You won't have to deal with any pesky phantoms once they meet with these plants.

These long grasses make my wolf hidden and its a difficult spot for the phantoms to see. Walking silently in the grass will help you get by with no trouble.


Exploration leads to great prizes. If your lucky you might find a surprise, or even two!

Also the dragon glove i'm wearing could be found in an adventure! Clothes like worns, & necklaces can be found in a chest.

Prizes & Adventure levels

The training grounds is a Tutorial which Liza gives on the basic steps to complete an adventure.
Required Level 0
Player Status Everyone

Easy Mode
The phantoms have returned to Jamaa. Help Liza bring back the rabbits home safely and bring peace to the little town of bunny burrow.
Required Level 1
Player Status Everyone
Secret passageway Animal: Arctic wolves

Hard mode:
Required level 2
Player status Everyone
Secret Passageway Animal: Arctic wolves

Easy Mode
The phantoms have opened a dark portal, Which is leading Jamaa into deep danger!
Help  Liza seal the phantom portal.
Required Level: 2
Player Stat: Everyone
Secret Passageway Animal: Fox
Hard Mode
Required Level: 3
Player Stat: Everyone
Secret Passageway Animals: Fox and Lion

Easy Mode
Help Cosmo, the koala Alpha, create a seed that can defeat the Phantoms and restore the beautiful land!
Required Level: 2
Player Stat: Everyone
Secret Passageway Animal: Tiger
Hard Mode
Required Level: 3
Player Stat: Everyone
Secret Passageway Animals: Tiger, Raccoon, Koala, and Elephant

Easy mode
Do you have what it takes to explore the dark & deep Phantom Hive and defeat the mean Phantom King?
Required Level: 3
Player Stat: Member
Secret Passageway Animals: Elephant and Horse
Hard Mode
Required Level: 4
Player Stat: Member
Secret Passageway Animals: Elephant and Horse

Easy Mode
The Phantom Tower is filled with dark secrets, and only the bravest of Jammers will be able to escape! Do you have what it takes?
Required Level: 4
Player Stat: Member
Secret Passageway Animal: Monkey
Hard Mode
Required Level: 5
Player Stat: Member
Secret Passageway Animals: Monkey and Kangaroo

Easy Mode
The volcanic eruption could destroy all of Jamaa,but wait is it the biggest threat you will encounter?
Required Level: 4
Player Stat: Member
Secret Passageway Animal: Wolf
Hard Mode
Required Level: 5
Player Stat: Member 
Secret Passageway Animals: Wolf and Arctic Wolf

Easy Mode
Greely hasn't been seen since he stopped the eruption.Where could he be, and what secrets did he leave behind? Can you Save him?
Required Level: 4
Player Stat: Member
Secret Passageway Animal: Phantom
Hard Mode
Required Level: 5
Player Stat: Member
Secret Passageway Animals: Phantom and Wolf

The special crystals have been scattered throughout the desert, and only the flying animals of Jamaa can help find them!
Required Level: 0
Player Stat: Member
Can be anything from a mat to a rare spiked collar! Keep trying and put your luck to the test!

Easy Mode
Help the alphas stop the phantoms from spreading their goop in Jamaa's beautiful oceans.
Required level 1
Players status Everyone
 Secret Passageway animal; Dolphins
Hard mode:
Required level 1 
Players status; everyone
Secret passageway animal: Dolphin, turtle 

Easy mode;
Meet an unusual whale, while you free the sharks from the pesky phantoms who are polluting Jamaas oceans. 
Required level 1
Player status; Members
Secret passageway animal; Sharks
Hard mode:
Required level 2
Player status; Members
Secret passageway animal; dolphin, Shark, Turtle, octopus 

Easy Mode:
Get the keys, to help the dolphins save Tavie the dolphin alpha 
Required level: 1
 player status: member
Secret passageway Animal: penguin

Hard mode;
Required level; 2
player status; member
Secret passageway animal; penguin, otter

Good luck on the adventures, and remember to play wild!

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