Sunday, June 26, 2016

Safety & Rules

A Jammers Guide To Being Safe

Have you ever felt scared in Jamaa and want help? Don't fear i'm going to give you a guide to stay safe and have a fun time.

First off all here are the rules, ALL jammers must follow these rules.

Let's review the rules.

1. Play Nice- Treat others with respect or "Treat others the way you want to be treated"
2.Use Kind Words- No Swearing, Bullying, Inappropriate behavior, Hateful words.
3.Never Give Out Personal Info To Someone You Meet Online- Phone numbers, address, email, password & username
4. Cheaters Never Prosper!- Using cheat engines, hacking, 
5.Report And Log Off!-If someone is making you feel bad or uncomfortable, you can report them. Then tell your parent or guardian. It is OK to protect yourself online!

Lets start off with Rule 3 This is the #1  rule you HAVE to follow when your online. Guys please never give out information especially where you live. I know this is a scary thing i'm gonna tell you guys but, you could get abducted from someone, because you NEVER know who your talking to online. Only tell them your information  if your parent/Guardian says you can.
Rule #3 Leads me to rule #5 If someone makes you feel uncomfortable meaning if they ask you something like "Where do you live?" or "Can we meet up somewhere", you can report them & block if you choose to. Also If your feeling scared you can tell an adult they will help you. Your safety comes before anything else.

The other rules are common sense. Don't treat someone like they are worthless, treat people kindly. If you are mean to others all the time people will think less of you. Not only do you have to treat others with respect, you also have  to behave because NOBODY wants to be around inappropriate, or bad words. Personally I hate being around people who try to say bad words, its VERY negative.

Remember jammers stay safe and jam on! - Planet 


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