Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Boredom in Animal Jam

Bored,Boring & Boredom

Are you feeling bored? Well you've come to the right place if you answered yes. Being bored in animal jam is just no fun! You walk around jamaa and then log out 5 minutes later. Well I'm gonna give you a bunch of things you can do to fight being bored!

Hosting events in your den!

There are so many events to choose from below, & I'm going to give you a description for each event that you can read through and pick the right one for you!

1. Giveaway
Are you feeling nice? Sometimes when I am bored I host small giveaways. Things I give away are things like bow and arrows, rare Monday things, Den things & sometimes a small spike or a den beta or two. Now when you give stuff away DO NOT SCAM it is very rude and not fair to other jammers!
Also if you want to think of a creative way to give the your item away you could try the following.
-say something then they repeat it and whoever  says what you said, first wins! It's like they have to copy you.
-Think of a den or clothing item and you tell them hints and whoever guess first wins!
-First one to jag you wins.
-First one to find  a plushie or item in your den wins. (Bigger Dens are better, but don't put stuff in your big den expect the plushie or item & if your a non member then just put stuff in your den but not too much or else people will get lag and want to leave)

2. Parties 
lets get the party started! If you have a nice den that needs to be decorated you can always turn it into a party den! Places you can look for to buy your party supplies are Party city just kidding! haha but really places you can look for is at the hosted parties and the parties that animal jam hosts. If you don't have time to wait around or don't have the gems to buy the supplies you can use 1 diamond to host a party of your choice with your choice of name & music!

3. Restaurant
 Feeling hungry? You can have people come to your very own restaurant. If your looking for a den you can use any den of your choice but i'd suggest using the restaurant den of course! If your looking for supplies you can go to epic wonders for the kitchen supplies and food tables. If you need tables and seats you can go to the dinner party and buy your own tables and chairs! If the dinner party is way to long to wait for then you can always go to the jamaa furniture store they have loads of things you can use there too!

4. Hotel
Always wanted to own a hotel? I always do this when i'm bored. You have so many den choices, Most people like the bigger dens such as beach house,princess castle, sky kingdom, crystal palace, & the original castle den. For the hotel supplies you can go anywhere you want to buy your stuff the place doesn't matter! You can even hire people to work as front desk if you have extra space. 

5. Daycare 
Do you love to watch over kids! Try making a day care center! Any den should work but the main rooms you'll need are: Kitchen/Dinner, Rooms (Can be separate rooms or they sleep in one big room together) Last but not least a play room of course! Now in order to have the stuff to make these rooms any store will work, personally I love going to epic wonders. The play room can be made of plushies, and other little things like the train set in the animal jam furniture store or the beta robot toys or any other little things you can find!

6. Pool party
A pool party is not like your normal old party! The absolute best den for this type of party is of course the beach house or water park den! Den items are a little harder to find for this type of party but it is worth it!  Things like towels  and beach tubes are available at the cruise ship party or may even be on a jammers trade list! It is all up to you though so you can make it as unique as yourself!

7. Art museum
If you love art this is a fun idea for you! Art can be made at the art studio and can be traded too. Art work is for non members too. You can use your own art and trade for other art if you'd like. You can use any den just make sure it has enough room for your art. If you want you can put chairs and stuff for people to sit down if they want. Make sure to make your den as bright and colorful not dull and boring because then nobody will stay for very long!

Other things to do if your bored
These things are super easy and super fun to do  most of these things that are listed below are very common but some people may not realize it!

1. Adopt or be adopted!
This is by far the most common thing everyone does once or twice as a jammer! You can be any thing you want not just a kid. To get adopted or if your looking to adopt go to the pillow room. People like to adopt kids that aren't rude and that look nice not like garbage. All the words colored in red are things you can wear and other things releated to those things. Words in blue mean they are a bad choice and you shouldn't wear them (You can if you want too but it helps to look good) Also if you are adopted and the mom you have is rude to you just leave and get adopted by someone else don't surround yourself around mean people! Most of all Be you!
-Red (Good)                                                           -blue (Bad)
-flower crowns                                                       -hat and beard
-head flowers                                                         -hypno-glasses
-worns                                                                    -eyeball hat
-Bonnets                                                                 -pi hat
-Spring flower crowns                                           -Shark hat
-heart backpack                                                     - Spikes 
-backpack                                                              -cactus hat
-cat hat (if you want to be a cat)                            - Chomper plant hat
-friendship necklace                                              -spiked hair
-necklace                                                               -Cheese hat
-moon necklace
-lollipop necklace
-sparkly head bow
-hula skirt

2. Roleplay 
Roleplaying is a big thing in animal jam! You can pretend to be part of a wolf pack or part of a fox pack the list goes on! If you want to roleplay but have nothing to wear, people use leaf necklaces and ankles and swords. Sometimes people use spikes to make them look like stronger. The best place to roleplay is the sarepia forest. You don't have to roleplay as an animal you can also pretend to be a doctor in the medical center or be a unicorn! You can be anything you want to be!

3. Collect plushies
Collecting plushies is really fun! You can go to the sol arcade and use the claw there. Their are many locations for claws like in the juice hut, sarepia forest theater & the Conversation museum. If you want a certain plushie you can always get the claws in the diamond shop or ask a friend if they have one you can try to win for. If you want to see many types of plushies go check  Guide to plushies

Go on a classic adventure! Adventures are very fun and keep us busy. You can do any adventure you'd like in hard mode or normal mode. Their are many to choose from such as underwater adventures, and land adventures.If you want to learn more click me 

5. Play games
Their are so many mini games in animal jam including the games you can play against jammers like tic-tac-toe & four gem! You can find little symbols representing mini games and of course the sol arcade is where you can find every mini game. These mini games even get you gems! 

6. Journey book
Did you know you can win prizes when you find all the journey book pages. If you didn't know the journey book is where every place in jamaa including the paradise party their is animals that pop up here and then and you have to click on them, when you find all of them in that area of jamaa you get a prize! 

Their are so many more things you can do in animal jam this is just a small list of what animal jam really has in store! Other than that play wild! - Planet

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Jamaa News #1

Jamaa News #1 July 7, VOL 176

Hi jammers! I'd like to say sorry for not posting in so long, I will post more but I have been busy. Also from the 17th to the 22nd of July I wont be posting becacuse I am leaving for a trip.

Lets start off with the cover.


Animal jam has finally introduced pet Goats into jamaa! 
Here is a picture of them in the diamond shop.

Page 2:

Surprise Surprise! The monkey party has come back to jamaa, everyone can go to the monkey party because monkeys are non members. Freedom items are leaving soon so pick up yours today!


Remember how they are having weekly sales on the stuff in the diamond shop? Well for this week the Arctic Fox  is on sale for 5 Diamonds the half price of 10 diamonds.

Page: 4
The new animal has been welcomed to jamaa! If you guessed sloth your correct! These adorable animals will soon be coming to jamaa. What do you think they will be a non member or member animal? 

Page: 5
Cheetahs on the run! The Cheetahs are leaving Jamaa on July 21st. This fast animal is going to be traveling and I'm guessing they won't be back till summer! So hurry and save diamonds and get yours!

That is all for this jamaa news. Stay on the look out for the sloths! - planet

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Fox Glitch

The Fox & the Sweater

Hey jammers!Did you know that the glitched sweater is glitched not only by color but, when worn by a fox. Yes it is true! I'm going to show you what it looks like. 

Here is what it looks like on the model animal. 

Notice the sweater is missing. I will show you the picture of me wearing it in my den.

Notice I am wearing the sweater. This is a weird little glitch I think animal jam should look into.
Comment your thoughts on this glitch.
