Thursday, June 15, 2017

Dream Items and Trading

Dream Items And Trading.

Hey, Jammers I finally had enough info on how to get your dream items. This guide will include adventures and trading tips.

First, of all there two adventures are a huge need. Its best to do return of the phantoms in hard mode and bring an arctic wolf friend along the way. Sadly the forgotten desert is only for members and you will need a flying animal.

Here are the two adventures which are a MUST. Soon after getting a variety of things like maybe a small wrist, den beta, epic wonders item. You can start trading.


Here is a small portion of animal jams den betas.

1. Uptrading

This is a common way of trading. This is when you offer several items for a bigger item. Here is an example...

Image result for cami frog

Related image

Image result for animal jam short collar

Image result for animal jam black worn

For a..

2. Downtrading

Down is good if your stuck with lets say a black long wrist. Its where you get smaller items for your one big item.

You have nothing else in your inventory. So you can trade your wrist for maybe two small rares and a den beta? Its best if your stuck with one item.

Eventually you have tons of rares from this process! In other words, downtrade means trading small items for your one big item. 

3. Overtrading

Overtrading is common if you want your dream item. This process is where you trade a lot of rare items for one item. Most of the things you trade are worth more which is why your overtrading.

Here is a quick example:

Image result for animal jam headdress

For a...

Image result for necklace animal jam

Dumb trade, I seriously don't know why someone would even do this.

Trading Tips

1. Only trade an item you are sure you want to get rid of.
When your trading think to yourself  Do I really want to get rid of this item? Do I want to trade this? You don't have to rush yourself its your inventory you can do what you like so don't trade if you feel pressured. Think slowly when trading and really think if you want to trade or not because, once you click trade its gone and its their thing so, they don't have to give it back.

2. Don't overtrade its not worth it. Study a rare item past before trading.
Overtrading is where you trade more then the things worth. Lets say your dream item is a Holiday sweater, Study your rares because you don't want to trade your rare spike for a sweater that will come back in two months right? Its always good to study the thing your about trade before you trade so you don't end up loosing your favorite thing to a bad trade. I suggest Animal Jam wiki because they are helpful when it comes to a specific item.

3. If you think something will come back then don't trade it.
At one point in Jamaa, everyone wanted the raccoon tails from the summer carnival. They are probably going to come back because, it was a summer carnival item. Although thinks like certain den betas and clothing betas don't come back and probably wont so its okay to trade for those items.

4. Trade by what people want which is called "Demand".
Lots of Jammers and even myself like items because they are rare. If your trading a girl don't trade them things like a bat mask and a eye patch unless they are collecters. Its best to trade someone by what they want since they will most likely accept your offer if by doing so. Try a variety of things you never know what someone will like!

5. Make back-ups and storage accounts.
I have a storage account of my own which I store rares and things that are important in case I am hacked or scammed. Its best to put things on a storage account because then you have extra things if needed.

6. Scamming 
If you really have nothing and don't know what to do please do not scam. Think of it this way if you were scammed you would feel sad so don't do it to others. You can always do adventures and such 

Wild Weekend

Wild Weekend - SunShine Outfit

Hi jammers did you know that a cool sunshine outfit was released just in the nick of time for summer.

I had  to check this gear out in the diamond shop. Sadly its only here for limited time only.

I had to put pink to cover the western hat. Silly me. :) Don't you jammers just love this gear?

Play wild- Planet

Monday, June 12, 2017


Rare Item Monday:

Rare Diamond Necklace 

Hey jammers I'm so excited to announce this RIM. It is surely something all your friends would love along with yourself.

RIM Today:

Rare Diamond Necklace

Status: Member
Place: Epic Wonders
Cost: 5k Gems

How it appers:

Wearing the item:

Hi Jammers, I hope you liked this weeks RIM. I sure do. 
Remember something is rare if it has this badge 

Bye jammers & always play wild! - planet

Gabbys Animal Hospital

Medical Center transformation

Hey jammers, I recently came across the medical center to revel that it turned into "Gabbys Animal Hospital" How cool is that jammers? A new explorer was very intresting because, I'm an animal lover so I had to check this out. Turns out Gabby is a great gal!

Here is a picture of the now medical center which has been turned into Gabbys Animal Hospital.

I'm loving this remodeled section its a cozy area and those seats look very silky!

Turns out you can ask gabby questions and look at cool videos.

I had to ask this myself, I mean you never know you might be featured!

I just noticed that if you read the sign it spells out the alphas like Greely, Liza, and Cosmo!

I hope you guys will like Gabby as much as I do! Bye jammers and remember to play wild.- Planet

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Jamaa Journal #2

Jamaa Journal #2

Hey jammers, welcome back to the wisp! This is my second post on the new collection "Jamaa Journal Time". Animal Jam is always looking out for new ideas and new things for us jammers. This time they really did themselves. Lets have a look shall we? 

Animal Jam just added many new tails to the shop and they are surely going to impress your friends. Look at the picture below to see more.

Looks like it was so popular that its going out of stock already! :(

Ocean day? How cool is that to celebrate the sea life. Its a great time to show your love to your ocean buddies! 

You know I've always wanted a pet dolphin for my dolphin! They would make great buddies don't you think? 

Pet sharks are adorably fierce just like the journal says. How could you not want one?
 Its also good because now they are both here dolphins and sharks for the ocean day.

What a nice ocean day fact. I guess you really do you learn something new everyday!

Speaking of ocean day dolphins are back i'm so glad. Just in time for the party too. :)

My wish came true? A ocean den and its a sandcastle! Hit me up please.

Make music day is a great holiday for us music lovers on animal jam. Time to go to club geoz and party!

Coyotes are cute and now they are being welcomed to animal jam how sweet is this?

Pixel painting sounds so amazing. Think of all those nyan cat pictures maybe even Minecraft?

This collection would make ya'll look great in Kimbara Outbreak. Best get going sunny before this collection leaves the diamond shop.

Its time for summer vacation and the beach house is the best place to host your pool parties.
Not to mention that smokin gear makes me feel fierce don't you think?

Mystery eggs are so in trend right now. Get yours today guys and watch your egg grow! 
What kind of eggs do you think they are anyways maybe something really cool.

Summer Carnival is a great place if you didn't know already by mixing black, white, black you get a phantom flavored cotton candy!

Graham and his workshop oh boy! He will have lots of friendly jammers who are willing to help. I think everyone should check this adventure out. I am a good builder myself how about you jammers?

This is the last part of my second post on the Jamaa Journal before, you jammers head off you should totally donate to these poor animals because they are endangered. We jammers should always be helping out the real wild life and always respect it.

Bye jammers and remember to play wild :) - Planet